Wagoner Criminal Defense Attorneys

wagoner criminal defense attorneys

Wagoner Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain Misdemeanors in Oklahoma

Misdemeanors are not the most serious of crimes in Oklahoma, but they still can result in some pretty harsh consequences.  Most Oklahoma individuals understand that misdemeanors are more serious than infractions, but not as serious as felonies.  However, understanding the different types of misdemeanors in Oklahoma and what to expect if you or someone you know is ever charged with a misdemeanor in Wagoner County is important.  For example, if you recently moved to Oklahoma from another state, a crime considered a felony in another state may be a misdemeanor in Oklahoma, or vice versa. If you are not sure what you’ve been charged with our Wagoner Criminal defense attorneys can help.

Oklahoma Misdemeanors – Wagoner County –

Criminal charges in Wagoner County that are considered misdemeanors in Oklahoma include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI), and other tobacco or alcohol-related criminal charges;
  • Leaving a child unattended in a car;
  • Assault and battery (depending on the severity of the conduct);
  • Unlawful possession of a firearm;
  • Stalking;
  • Simple drug possession, such as possession of a small amount of marijuana;
  • Theft, shoplifting, trespassing, and other minor property crimes; and
  • Juvenile crimes.

While the above-listed crimes may be misdemeanors, it is very important to remember that some of these crimes may be felonies depending on the specific nature and seriousness of the criminal charge in question.  For example, assault and other violent crimes may be considered both a misdemeanor and felony depending on how serious the conduct is.  If a weapon existed in a particular assault charge, then the charge may be a felony.  Conversely, if the assault charge involves no weapon, it may be a misdemeanor and result in less serious consequences. Our Wagoner criminal defense attorneys have helped with both misdemeanor and felony charges so we can help

Penalties for Misdemeanor Conviction in Wagoner County Oklahoma

Many states classify their misdemeanor and felony crimes into different categories based on the severity of the crime.  However in Oklahoma, a misdemeanor is simply a misdemeanor.  The punishment for each misdemeanor conviction varies depending on the severity of the crime and unique facts of the particular charge.  Thus, no real need exists to classify one type of misdemeanor as “Class 1” versus “Class 2”.  Regardless of the misdemeanor, you could face jail time up to one year and a fine of $500.  Most misdemeanor charges may resolve without the need to impose jail time, but some individuals who do not have adequate legal representation may face jail time if they choose to represent themselves.

While misdemeanors are less severe than felonies, the consequences of a misdemeanor conviction can be just as detrimental as some felony convictions.  For example, a potential employer may consider a prior misdemeanor marijuana possession conviction to be just as serious as a prior felony cocaine possession conviction.  All employers, universities, landlords, and others will have different views on what they consider to be serious criminal activity.wagoner criminal defense attorneys

Regardless of the nature or severity of an Oklahoma criminal charge, retaining an experienced Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorney is essential.  Any criminal charge that has the potential to harm your criminal record may follow you for years.  Using a qualified Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorney, you may have your criminal charge dismissed or reduced.

Contact our Wagoner Criminal Defense Attorneys Today

If you live in Wagoner County and you need the help of one of our Wagoner Criminal Defense Attorneys call for a free consultation. Our Criminal attorneys have years of experience with both misdemeanor and felony charges in Wagoner County.