Can Criminal Records Be Expunged in Wagoner County?

Expungements in Wagoner County

Misdemeanors and non-violent felonies can be expunged in Wagoner County if you meet the criteria. Expungements allow you to seal your court or arrest records. This means that after you receive an expungement, they will seal your record from the general public. This includes potential employers or rental agencies, helping you move forward from previous convictions and allowing you to legally say no when asked. The process may seem complicated, but expungements in Wagoner County are possible!

Expungement Basics

There are two main types of expungements available in Oklahoma: Section 18 and Section 991(c). Section 18 Expungements are more extensive although both options are beneficial. For both types of expungements, the crime must be for either a misdemeanor or a non-violent felony. However, violent felonies are ineligible under either section. If you’re hoping to get an expungement, it’s best to seek legal counsel to understand your options and what to do next.

Section 18 Expungements in Wagoner County

Section 18 expungements will remove your court or arrest records and seal your file. To qualify, one of the following must apply:

  • You have an acquittal
  • An appellate court reversed and dismissed your conviction
  • DNA evidence exonerates you
  • The governor granted you a full pardon upon a finding of innocence
  • You received no formal charges
  • You were under 18 and received a full pardon
  • Your charge has been dismissed and:
    • the statute of limitations is up; or
    • the prosecution has chosen not to re-file charges
  • The charge was a misdemeanor and:
    • was dismissed after completion of a deferred sentence
    • you have never had a felony conviction
    • and you have no pending charges in the 1 year following the dismissal
  • Your conviction was a non-violent felony and:
    • was dismissed after completion of a deferred sentence
    • you have never had a felony conviction
    • and you have no pending charges in the 5 years following the dismissal
  • You have never had a conviction and have no charges pending at least 5 years after the end of the last misdemeanor sentence
  • You have no convictions for any other felony or misdemeanor in the last 7 years and have no charges pending at least 5 years after the completion of the sentence for a non-violent felony
  • The conviction was for not more than 2 felony offenses, and you received full pardon for both, and at least 20 years have passed since the last misdemeanor or felony conviction
  • The conviction was for a crime committed by someone who stole your identity

If you meet one of these criteria, you could be eligible to receive a Section 18 expungement. If you don’t qualify for Section 18 expungement, there is a chance of getting a partial expungement under Section 991(c).

991(c) Expungements in Wagoner County

If you received a deferred sentence, an expungement under Section 991(c) can help you seal your record. This type does not remove the arrest record but will update the disposition to say, “pled not guilty, case dismissed”. A 991(c) expungement is only available if you have completed the terms of your deferred sentence. While it won’t clear your record, this type of expungement can be beneficial if you are not eligible for a more comprehensive expungement under Section 18. A 991(c) expungement is an option for those looking to improve their criminal records and help their future opportunities, despite not qualifying for full expungement.

Wagoner County Expungement Attorneys

We understand that getting into legal trouble can be scary, especially when the incident seems to follow you forever. However, luckily for you, this may not be the case. After getting an expungement in Wagoner County, it’s almost like it was never there. No more need to sweat background checks or someone peeking at your arrest record.

If you’re hoping to get an expungement, we can help. For a free consultation with an expungement attorney in Wagoner County, contact Kania Law – Wagoner Attorneys at 918-283-7394, or reach out to us via our Ask A Lawyer feature. Need other legal information? Check out our Wagoner Law Blog for other important topics.