Texting While Driving Laws in Wagoner County

Texting while driving

As of a few years ago, only two states have no ban on texting and driving:  Wyoming and Arizona.  This means that Oklahoma does have laws against texting and driving.  This law became effective November 1st, 2015.  It is the “Trooper Nicholas Dees and Trooper Keith Burch Act” and is the result of the deaths the two troopers in an accident where another driver was texting while driving.

Texting and Driving in Oklahoma:  HB 1965

House Bill 1965 is the Act that outlaws texting while driving in Oklahoma.  It specifically states that it is “unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle” while “manually compos[ing], send[ing], or read[ing] an electronic text message”.  However, the law goes on to state that is it illegal to do this “while the vehicle is in motion”.

Essentially, in Oklahoma using any type of electronic to send a message while you are driving is illegal if you are entering it by hand.  So ipads, tablets, cell phones, etc. are all covered under the Act.  Further, text messages also include photos, videos, emails, and more.  As a result, even using snapchat while driving is illegal in Oklahoma.

Consequences for Texting While Driving

As any traffic violation, texting while driving incurs fines.  However, the fines are relatively small.  They are only around $100 and the ticket does not stay on your driving record.  However, causing or being present in an accident can significantly increase these consequences.  In some cases, these charges may result in manslaughter convictions if a person dies.

Traffic Ticket Lawyers in Wagoner County

Daily travel is a part of American’s lives.  It is nearly impossible to be on the road and not have some use of your cell phone.  However, if you or someone you love is in an accident that has a texting while driving element, we can help.  The law is new, which means that it is still in the process of finding its legal grounds.  We can represent you and make sure the law is applied fairly and not overzealously. For a free consultation with a traffic ticket lawyer at Kania Law – Wagoner Attorneys call 918-283-7394 or follow this link to ask a free online legal question