Obtaining Prescription by Fraud in Wagoner County

Obtaining Prescription by Fraud

Obtaining Prescription by Fraud  is a felony in Oklahoma. A March 2016 Oklahoman article discusses a nurse in Mustang, Oklahoma charged with obtaining prescription by fraud.  She worked at a nursing facility that would often telephone medication orders in to a pharmacy.  During the telephone ordering, the nurse would add an order of hydrocodone to the list of medication orders for different patients.  Upon…

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Wagoner Criminal Attorneys Discuss Eluding an Officer

Deferred and Suspended Sentences

Most people think of high speed chases and getaway drivers when they think of eluding an officer.  But the 1988 Oklahoma case of Kellog v. State shows that eluding a Game Warden can fall under it as well.  Kellog, a hunter, was spotlight hunting at night, which is illegal.  The Game Wardens saw him. He ran from them when they pulled behind him and turned on…

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Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains Robbery in Wagoner

Shooting with Intent to Kill in Wagoner

Robbery in Wagoner County is a felony crime. In April of 2016, a Wagoner man entered the convenient Store with a shotgun.  Then he demanded the clerks place all the money from the register in a bag.  Once the clerks complied with the request, the man left the store and drove off in a stolen vehicle.  The evening of the incident, Wagoner police apprehended…

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Wagoner Attorneys Discuss First Degree Manslaughter

first degree manslaughter

First Degree Manslaughter is a violent crime in Oklahoma.  This subjects the offender to the “85% Rule,” which states a perpetrator must serve at least 85% of their sentence before receiving eligibility for parole.  However, manslaughter in the second degree is not subject to the 85% rule.  In terms of sentencing this is huge. It could amount to far more years in jail and…

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Failure To Appear in Wagoner County

Failure to appear

Failure to appear in Wagoner County should be taken seriously. Appearing in court for any reason can be stressful and frightening, even if you haven’t been charged with a crime.  The simple thought of being in a courtroom is just too much for some people to handle at times.  While appearing in court is certainly unpleasant, failure to appear as the court orders is far…

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Wagoner Criminal Attorneys Illegal Search and Seizure

Burglary Crimes

Illegal Search and Seizure: Know Your Constitutional Rights The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the power of law enforcement agencies to search your property, or seize your possessions without a valid warrant. If administerd without a warrant, this may constitute an illegal search and seizure. Despite the Fourth Amendment, police officer routinely search individuals without the proper permission. If evidence exists from an…

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