Child Custody

Which Parent Gets Custody

As the definition of a Nuclear Family has evolved in the Country the basis for child custody cases in Wagoner County has changed along with it. It used to be that child custody cases came about only in divorce and guardianships. Today, child custody is an issue for unwed parents filing paternity cases just as much as it is for children of a traditional marriage. When parent thinks of child custody they have several different options available to them and their children.

Joint Legal Custody in Wagoner CountyChild Custody

This type of custody in Wagoner County is the preferred custody plan in the State. Joint legal custody means that both of the parents have an equal right to decision making for major life decisions. This is not a the day to day decision making for the child. Rather, joint legal decision making deals with decisions like choice of education, medical treatment and perhaps religious preference.

Joint Physical Custody

Joint physical custody is exactly what it sounds like. This is once again the presumed custody is the State. Joint physical is also referred to a shared parenting. Joint physical custody contemplates equal time with each parent. This may be one week with one parent and one with the other or any other combination the parents find workable.

Sole Child Custody in Wagoner

This involves one parent having both legal and physical custody of the children. In this arrangement one parent is given what’s sometimes called standard visitation which is something like every other weekend. This custody is the least favored in the law unless its what the parents agree on. If one parent is asking for sole or full custody and the other parent does not agree its up to the Judge at a trial to decide. The parent seeking full custody bears the burden of proving to the Court that having joint custody is not in the best interest of the children.